Question. 'Serge, one is always hearing people talk about 'higher vibrations or 'good vibrations'.' Can you say a bit about how you see this issue and what vibrations really mean? I suppose there is a connection between having good vibrations and being spiritual and that we all need to work towards this end?
Serge. I agree. Everything and everyone in life emits a particular vibration or resonates according to a particular frequency. And some frequencies are more harmonious than others. With us humans, it follows that the more integrated we become, that is, the more we will have 'worked on ourselves' to try to purify those 'darker parts' of ourselves - our resentments, jealousies, greed, fears, etc, all of which 'vibrate densely' - the more harmonious our vibrations or our frequencies will be. In my experience, people who are naturally open-hearted, authentic, kind and loving, have a much more harmonious 'field of being' around them or give out higher or better 'vibes' than do people who are primarily materialistic and are in life solely for what they can get out of it for themselves! So yes, certainly, there is a connection between having good vibrations and being spiritual.
In fact, I think that what most distinguishes us, is not our class, colour or racial differences, but our vibrational differences, as we all exist at different levels and as such, while we all live on one planet, we all 'inhabit' different inner worlds or realities on it, each of which have their own particular frequencies associated with them. At the bottom end of the scale are the very dense vibrational worlds occupied by people who are totally cut off from themselves, and who tend to be utterly stone-hearted, soulless and unaware , while at the top end of the spectrum are those domains inhabited by men and women who have achieved full enlightenment. Most of us who are on a spiritual path, live somewhere in the middle and as we grow and evolve, so we will gradually 'graduate' into a higher-order world. If we are not on a conscious path, we will tend to live in a world that I will simply call Ordinary Reality.
This is the domain of conventionality , where little credence is given to anything which cannot be seen,smelt, felt or heard and where anything or anyone that does not seem to fit into our sphere of what we deem to be 'normal', tends to get labelled 'abnormal'! Anything transcendant, sacred or mysterious can get lumped into this category! And it is from this reality that much of the evil that currently needs transforming, emenates from!
One of the important things to understand here, is that while a higher vibrational world can always recognise a less awakened one, that sadly, the reverse is not true. This is one of the main reasons why those 'high-vibrational' people on our planet who truly need looking up to and from whom we can all learn much about what it means to be more fully human , are seldom recognised, and why instead we so love to deify the rich and famous, whose vibrational capabilities might not always be much to write home about!
If we can understand the fact that we all live in different worlds, each of which have their own vibrational dimensionalities, rules and energies, it may help us to understand some of our challenges and difficulties in a new light. For example, we don't all have the same capabilities. How healthy or effective we are, how capable we are of determining how our lives pan out, may depend upon which world we primarily 'live out of'. Thus, if we live out of a reality that contains spiritual force, we will generally find it easier to be peaceful or to experience deeper levels of love or freedom than if we do not.
We may also have access to a subtler kind of power making it much easier to deal with crises in our lives. People who don't live out of these more refined realities, or who don't know how to access them ( we can often access a higher world temporarily) and who therefore cannot awaken their higher-order sensibilities , may not have access to these 'gifts'. We can say they are fed by a lower grade fuel. John Bennett, a spiritual teacher, put like this.'What is impossible in a lower world, can be possible in a higher world. What can happen and what cannot happen, depends upon which world we are in.'
Thus, if our vibrational rate is very dense or if our 'vibes' are heavy and muddy ( and it may be because a lot of things are blocking us emotionally, or we may still be carrying a lot of pain that we have not worked through or are not especially focussed on the notion of inner freedom ) , it may be hard for us to feel free or joyful or to experience ourselves as masters of our destiny, (which so many articles in this magazine are always telling us that we should!)
Often, our experience of life is that it seems to have us and not the other way round, and at times, it may be near impossible to pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps. Thus we can say that each of us are subject to different 'spiritual laws', depending upon which vibrational reality we primarily inhabit, and for those of us trapped in very dense worlds, we may only be able to shift if we receive help from someone polarised in a higher vibrational world who can temporarily 'lend' us some of their 'higher grade' energy!
The voyage of discovery', Marcel Proust once told us, 'Is not seeing new landscapes, but having new eyes,' implying that when our vibrations are raised or when our consciousness expands ( the two being the same thing), we enter a new domain wherebye we start seeing old things in a new way, so that what may once have appeared stale and one dimensional, may now appear to us fresh and multi-dimensional. This is because more of what 'intrinsically is', is now becoming visible or available to us.
This is why, if we want to live more fulfilling personal lives or generally 'make more of a difference', it is so important to be constantly working on ourselves to raise our vibrations, as in this way, we may increasingly become a 'space' to allow the 'higher vibrational worlds' to 'reach down' to us and so come increasingly alive inside us. This is why prayer, yoga and meditation and other spiritual practices that help accelerate this process, are so important. The more harmonious our vibrations become, the more capable we are of taking responsibility for our lives and so being a real force for change and wholeness in the world. In so doing, we increasingly shift away from being part of our world problems, to becoming part of their solution.
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